6 ultra-effective kettlebell exercises to lose belly fat and sculpt your abs!

Very popular in sports halls since the 2000s, kettlebells allow varied, intense and extremely effective workouts.

The variety of movements offers numerous exercises targeted on the abdominal muscles, perfect for tone and refine the silhouette.

Sport Équipement has selected for you six flat stomach exercises that are easy to do at home or in the gym. Good session !

Kettlebell and fat loss: some information to know before getting started

The kettlebell: a formidable ally for losing belly fat

A must-have for gyms, kettlebells come in the form of weight equipped with a handle on the top. Its particularities make it a extremely effective accessory for toning the body and burning as many calories as possible:

Allows you to increase theintensity of classic movements thanks to the addition of a load (from 4 kg to 32 kg depending on each person’s level) Requested several muscle groups simultaneously, encouraging the body to increase its energy expenditure. Triggers the effect COPD (afterburn), which means that the body continues to burn calories during the recovery phase.

More effective than training with body weight alone, integrating kettlebells into your sessions will allow you to accelerate your weight loss and muscle gain.

Exercises targeted at the abdominal level will particularly refine this area of ​​the body.

Increase the effectiveness of kettlebells for a flat stomach without delay

Kettlebells are not miracle accessories. To maximize the effectiveness of your workouts and sculpt your figure day after day:

Bet on HIIT sessions (interval training alternating high intensity effort and recovery phase).
Vary the workouts. Combine forward bends to strengthen the right abdomen, trunk twists to strengthen the obliques and core exercises to engage the transverse. Don’t just focus on losing belly fat. A refined stomach is above all a general body fat diminished. Adopt a food healthy and varied, low in calories. A slight calorie deficit is the key to effective weight loss.

Top 6 ultra-easy exercises for a flat stomach using kettlebells

#1 Le kettlebell swing

An essential exercise for strengthening your abdominal muscles, the kettlebell swing also uses all of the body’s muscles to attack body fat in general.

This movement of dynamic and explosive sheathing is among the most practiced with the aim of losing fat and gaining muscle. To make a kettlebell swing :

Kettlebell placed in front of you, spread your feet, bend your legs and tilt your pelvis backwards while keeping your back straight. Once you have found the starting position, reach for the kettlebell. Raise it to the level of your knees by pushing on your legs. Your arms should remain straight. Contract your glutes, tighten your abs and extend your hips to initiate a pendulum movement. Swing the weight so that it comes up to the level of your shoulders. Be careful, to avoid risking injury, the swing movement must come from the extension of your hip and not from your legs.

Repeat this movement twelve times and perform four sets to tone your muscles, improve your posture and harmoniously reshape your silhouette.

To know everything: Kettlebell Swing, an exercise all about the hips!

#2 The goblet squat with kettlebell

The squat goblet avec kettlebell works the abdominals, thighs and glutes. Very easy to do, it is performed like a classic squat.

Only difference: the addition of a kettlebell, held with both hands close to your chest, elbows pointing down. As a reminder, here is how correctly perform a squat :

Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, pointing slightly outwards. Bend your legs by pushing your buttocks backwards until they are at the same height as your knees. During the descent, look straight ahead, keep your feet firmly on the ground and engage your abs. Exhale as you push through your heels to return to the starting position.

#3 And the kettlebell jerk

Like the kettlebell goblet squat, the kettlebell jerk is a simple movement to learn, perfect for strengthen your abdominal muscles. Terrific on the abs, it also works on the forearms, shoulders and lower back.

To perform a kettlebell jerk :

Grasp the weight in one hand, fist pointing toward the ceiling, arms bent. Then extend your arm vertically. Perform a slight bend in your legs to help you throw the kettlebell upward. Repeat the movement, changing hands.

Short, high-intensity sessions will offer you maximum effectiveness in eliminating belly fat.

#4 Le kettlebell Sit-Up

The kettlebell Sit-Up is none other than a weighted Sit-Up. Here’s how to proceed with an extra charge:

Lie down on the floor. Your back should be completely pressed to the ground. If you notice a gap, tighten your hips and ribs to fill the gap. Hold the kettlebell with both hands above your chest, close to or spaced a few inches from your torso. Exhale and come up completely until you find yourself in sitting. Blowing as you go up will give you more strength. Therefore, try to exhale through the entire chest raise movement. Return to your starting position and repeat the movement.

#5 Le russian twist

The Russian twist allows you to work on oblique abs. It is performed with a light kettlebell. To perform a russian twist :

Sitting on the floor, legs bent, lift your feet slightly off the ground. Then touch the ground to the left, then to the right with the kettlebell. The weight does not need to be completely pressed to the ground. Control the speed of your movement, exhale when the kettlebell hits the ground and keep your abs contracted. Your back should not round as you go through the sequences. It is possible to follow the movement of the kettlebell with your eyes if that helps you.

Easier variation : If you have difficulty performing this movement correctly, keep your heels on the floor. You can take them off when you are more comfortable.

Better a well-executed movement with your heels on the ground than an approximate exercise with your feet off the ground.

Read also: How to do a perfect Russian twist to strengthen your abdominal and obliques

#6 Le kettlebell Pull Through

Called kettlebell Pull Through, the “kettlebell” version of the classic plank is sure to heat up your abs! Here’s how to run it:

Place yourself in a plank position, shoulder blades above your wrists and body well aligned (shoulder blade, back, buttocks, feet). The kettlebell should be right in front of your chest. Then move the kettlebell to the left with your left hand, then to the right, picking it up with your right hand.

If the classic version of the Kettlebell Pull Through proves too difficult at first, you can start in the Kettlebell Pull Through position. knee board. It is also possible to roll the weight rather than lifting it.

If you’re new to kettlebells

If you’re not used to using kettlebells in your workouts, take it gradually. Start with a light load.

For elderly people or those returning from an injury, it is entirely possible to start at 3 kg. Amateur athletes will more often turn to 5 kg accessories, while seasoned athletes will feel more muscular demand with 6 kg to 8 kg kettlebells.

Note thatit is not useful to exceed 8 kg. In fact, the exercises presented above do not require the use of a kettlebell that is too heavy.

Efficiency depends above all on the correct execution of the movement.

Updated by Manon on: 11/26/2023

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