37-Year-Old Italian Woman Accused of Extortion Near Cascine Park

In recent days the state police reported a 37-year-old Italian woman accused of extortion which took place near the Cascine park. The victim had found her car parked on the street with a broken window while her daughter’s backpack had disappeared from her passenger compartment, full of a small treasure of school books.

According to what has been reconstructed, shortly thereafter the suspect approached, offering to make the stolen goods reappear in exchange for 50 euros in cash. Faced with the bizarre request, the other party apparently accepted the stranger’s offer. At that moment, a plainclothes patrol from the Rifredi police station went into action, alerted in the meantime by some witnesses to the incident.

The officers immediately followed the suspect and took her to the place where the stolen goods were hidden, behind a flowerbed near the tram stop. As soon as the woman showed up again to collect the “tax”, the officers stopped her and identified her. The backpack was thus returned to the appropriate person.

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2023-11-23 16:36:46
#Money #backpack #stolen #car #Cascine


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