Wesley Sneijder Teases PSV with ‘Wesley Sneiders’ Ticket at Ajax Match

Wesley Sneijder was present at the match between PSV and Ajax on Sunday afternoon. The former Ajax midfielder was in a skybox with Wilfred Genee, among others. When they were sitting there, Genee noticed something about Sneijder’s match card.

PSV had written on the ticket that it belongs to ‘Wesley Sneiders’. Genee had to laugh about that on Monday evening at Veronica Offside. “I was sitting in a box where Wesley was also sitting. The advantage for you as a record international is that you can get tickets everywhere. They were ready for you: Wesley Sneiders.”

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Sneijder responds with a laugh: “How bad that you took a photo of that again. You like that.” In the end, Ajax lost 5-2, so Sneijder did not have a nice afternoon. “I would rather not have been there yesterday.”

Sneijder notices that there is a lot of gloating about Ajax, which is currently eighteenth. That bothers him. “How they are so busy with Ajax… I then think: be busy with your own club. Become a champion.”


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