VSV Judo Group Achieves Success with German Judo Federation Certificates and Badges


The athletes of the VSV Judo group have received certificates and badges from the German Judo Federation (DJB) for their sporting achievements. The German Judo Association’s sports performance badge is aimed at young and adult judo athletes aged 14 and over. This year eight new judo sports badges will be sewn onto the suits. A total of five silver and three bronze badges went to the VSV. The Judo sports badge is the judo supplement to the German sports badge. Coach Gerrit Rehberg is very satisfied with the result for the adults and explains: “I am pleased that we are doing so well this year in the area of ​​young people and adults. The achievements achieved with the judo badge can even be credited towards the “normal” DOSB sports badge. This success is doubly worthwhile for my athletes.

Photo: VSV

2023-10-17 00:31:46
#German #Judo #Association #honors #VSV #athletes #achievements


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