Victimism, Laporta’s defense

Victimism, Laporta’s defense

It hasn’t taken long John Laporta in coming to the fore to defend himself against the alleged crime of bribery of which Judge Joaquín Aguirre, head of the investigating court number 1 of Barcelona, ​​accused him this Wednesday, for the Negreira case. The stage chosen was this Thursday Catalunya Radio and the staging was to reiterate his and Barcelona’s innocence and denounce a black hand to destabilize the Catalan club.

«They will not be able to prove anything because it is not true. Referees have not been paid. This will end in a sentence that will absolve Barça. “We are calm,” he pointed out, while trying to dismantle the accusation of bribery because Enríquez Negreira “He is not a public official, it is not a continuing crime and it is prescribed.” Laporta went further: «We’ll see if he goes to trial because he is in the preoperative phase. “I am a jurist and I see that this cannot prosper.”

Laporta coined a new concept to defend himself. He was referring to «sociological madridismo» to try to justify a series of factors that, articulated from Madrid, according to him, seek to constantly erode Barcelona. «There is an orchestrated campaign to destabilize Barça, of some people, of some organizations that take advantage of the Negreira case to develop all this fierce campaign and unprecedented that Barça is suffering,” explained the president. And he pointed out directly: «I and many, because we have lived it, I am of the opinion that there is a ‘sociological Madridism’ in the centers of power in the capital, whether political, economic or sporting that they have a lot of strength and we have always found this at Barça.

In the press conference he offered on April 17 to explain Barcelona’s position regarding the outbreak of the Negreira case, Laporta already denied that there was a crime, considered Barça a victim and attacked Tebas and Real Madrid. This Thursday he avoided pointing directly to Florentino Perez, but he did not cut corners with Real Madrid or with the de facto powers of the capital. «We are already used to fighting against that. I am a lawyer and for work reasons I have had to go to Madrid and you see that there is power there, and Madridismo from the sporting-sociological point of view exists and is established in various media and in certain political environments. If you review, the majority of the people who have had power in the world of sports were from Madrid. And that we have to accept it“I would say normally, because everyone can be from the team they want, but as culés we have to know that we have to compete with that,” he added.

Take over the club

Laporta’s conclusion was forceful: «The Negreira case is one more piece of this ‘sociological Madridism’; what they do is dirty the name of Barça and our history and we cannot consent to it. They want to destabilize Barça and control it, surely some will also want to appropriate it and, if in the process they erode one of the most representative symbols of Catalonia, so much the better.

The leader pointed to those de facto powers when asked about the World Cup 2030: «We have asked to host the World Cup. We would like to host the final. “We will have the stadium with more capacity, but there we once again collide with ‘sociological Madridismo’ and it will surely be the Bernabéu.”

2023-10-19 22:07:39
#Victimism #Laportas #defense


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