The Return of the ‘National Judo Tournament – Puerta de Asturias’ to Lena Judo Club

Archive image. Lena Judo Club.

The return of the ‘National Judo Tournament – Puerta de Asturias’, organized by the Lenense club Club Judo Lena and which, for several years, suffered a hiatus from competition, is now closer than ever. This Saturday, October 21, the ‘Jesús Suárez Valgrande’ Sports Center in La Pola will once again host the competition.

«After 5 years of absence from organizing judo events in the council of Lena (Asturias), the Lena Judo Club, in collaboration with the Lena City Council, Lena Deportes and the Federation of Judo and Associated Sports of the Principality of Asturias, COMES BACK!! with enthusiasm and with renewed hopes to the multi-sports court of our “Jesus Suárez Valgrande” pavilion, organizing the XIX National Judo Tournament – ​​Puerta de Asturias in its natural sports habitat«, they pointed out from the club when the event was confirmed weeks ago.

Senior athletes, born in 2007 and previous years, will participate in the championship. With both male and female categories, the weigh-ins will first take place (from 12:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 16:45) and, starting at five, the competition. Registration, free of charge, closes this Thursday the 19th. This is a tournament that will be scored for the Judo National Team of the Principality of Asturias.

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2023-10-17 11:17:47
#XIX #National #Judo #Tournament #Puerta #Asturias #returns #Saturday #bring #toplevel #judo #Lena


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