The Clash of Basketball-Loving Stage Actors at ACTORS☆LEAGUE 2023

The basketball-loving stage actors clashed.

The ACTORS☆LEAGUE project is planned and produced by actors with the desire to share the fun and excitement of live entertainment with audiences.

This year, “ACTORS☆LEAGUE in Games 2023” produced by Ko Takano (June 19th, Nippon Budokan) and “ACTORS☆LEAGUE in Baseball 2023” produced by Mario Kurobane (July 3rd, Tokyo Dome) has already been held and was a success, and the third edition, “ACTORS☆LEAGUE in Basketball 2023”, was held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium on October 11th.

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This year, the contest will be divided into two teams: “DREAM CATERPILLARS” (DC), whose captain is Raimu Okamiya, who is also the producer of this project, and “SPARK SEEDS” (SS, hereafter), whose captain is Yoshiro Itokawa.

Takuro Ohno was the DC director and Naoya Gomoto was the SS director.Continuing from last year, Kojiro Oka and Rei Fujita were in charge of commentary, Raita was the DJ, and Mitsuru Karahashi was the reporter.

NEXT Akira Makishima appears in video “My heart is always with SPARK SEEDS”

2023-10-12 01:00:33
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