The Betrayal of Big Rom: Sensations and Impressions After Lukaku’s Return to San Siro

Sensations and impressions after the return of Big Rom (and Mou) to San Siro

Football is very simple. The chatter that builds up before and around a match, the emotional implications studied with rigor, the justifications to protect a choice… all these things have the magical power to dissolve as soon as you take the field. There the deliberately cold glances and greetings count for the right amount and quickly leave room for the law of the field. Last night, against Roma, it immediately became clear that the real issue of Inter-Roma was not Romelu Lukaku’s betrayal against the Nerazzurri fans. Also, of course. Boos and whistles have certified it with irrevocable certainty. But the real betrayal, the deepest one, was Big Rom’s turnaround towards his former team. To his former teammates. To his former friends.

It is probably also for this reason that Inzaghi’s team succeeded yesterday in their (desired and studied) intent to put together such a solid performance – more solid than what the opponent probably would have requested – and lucidly aggressive. The feelings of the Inter players were not put aside, but governed intelligently. Only the game and the field mattered. Play, don’t give in to the provocations of a team that is used to throwing the match on a nervous level, and still play. The Nerazzurri’s footballing understanding always has a link to that built in the locker room. Yesterday Inter were very much a group and a lot of family, beyond the phrases and emotions that were then leaked on social media at the final whistle. But the joy of Lautaro cuddling the Tikus in favor of the fans is a rather significant photograph if we expand it to also include the disappointment of Lukaku, who is still watching from afar. Yesterday’s confrontation closed the matter. You didn’t have to hear the boos to understand that something really serious happened this summer. Big Rom rejected and lost a family that loved him. This, I fear, burns more than the noise of San Siro.

Mourinho, this week, tried to protect Romelu by minimizing the weight of his move to Inter. His Roma played the only match he could play. Having not yet shown that he can show off a great game, he has tried in every way to prevent Inter from doing the same to him. Provocations, fouls and nervousness were part of Mourinho’s score. The truth is that his wars are no longer ours. Romelu Lukaku has been replaced not only on the pitch but also in the family. Different paths and choices. Yesterday’s match shows us that it’s not a drama. We survive many things, including this. Football, after all, is a simple thing.


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