Struggling Syntainics MBC Searches for Attitude and Energy to Turn Season Around

Struggling Syntainics MBC Searches for Attitude and Energy to Turn Season Around

There’s already a fire under the roof!

Last in the easycredit BBL after three games! That’s no surprise considering the opponents the Syntainics MBC has had so far. The defeats at the top team FC Bayern Munich (87:96) and on Monday at runner-up Telekom Baskets Bonn (73:100) were to be expected. Only against the Löwen Braunschweig (77:85) could we have achieved more.

Nevertheless, even after the bankruptcy on the Rhine, people in Weißenfels are not going back to business as usual. What annoyed veteran John Bryant (36) and coach Predrag Krunic (55) during the timeouts was the lack of attitude.

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What: AP 10.10.2023

Bryant: “We have to find out what was going on. We didn’t fight enough. As captain, as the oldest player in the team, who has gone through many clubs and played many games, I also have to help.”

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This is how the center wants to carry the team along. Bryant: “Our biggest problem is the lack of extra energy and when something doesn’t work, our heads go down. We have to stop this as quickly as possible.”

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The club management remains (still) calm, leaving it to the sporting management to get the attitude up to speed. Manager Martin Geissler (39) told BILD in astonishment: “After we were four points ahead in Bonn, the team completely lost faith for no reason and fell apart. The game then slipped away from us unnecessarily.”

His demand: “Even though the first half looked good, we were too soft. We need to work on that urgently.” Ideally on Sunday (3:30 p.m., Dyn live) in the cup against MLP Academics Heidelberg. “Now the opponents are coming who are more of a match for us,” says Geissler.

Have to keep the MBC punt on track: trainer Predrag Krunic (l.) and manager Martin Geissler

Photo: Uwe Koehn

Krunic also heated up his team again after the game in Bonn. “He made it clear what he didn’t like. We can’t sit back now, we have to intervene quickly,” said the manager.

With Heidelberg, a team in the BBL Cup is coming to Saxony-Anhalt that has so far been without a win in the Bundesliga. So last against second to last. Geissler: “The game is not only important for us sportingly, but also financially. But now is the wrong time for unnecessary chaos.”

To prevent that from happening, a win on Sunday is a must!

2023-10-10 10:53:01
#Central #German #Cult #star #attacks #Sports


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