PSG: Kylian Mbappé, sixth most searched athlete in the world on the Internet

This is a ranking which shows a little more the dimension taken by Kylian Mbappé. According to a study carried out by OLBD, a community sports betting platform based in the United Kingdom, the Parisian player figures very well in the ranking of the most searched global athletes on Google. The study covers a period between September 2022 and August 2023.

With 199.4 million searches over one year, the Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo occupies first place in this ranking. Beyond the global celebrity of CR7, the signing at the end of 2022 of the 38-year-old player for Al-Nassr in Saudi Arabia and his salary of nearly 17 million euros per month have sparked a lot of research around him.

Behind Ronaldo, two well-known names at PSG. Neymar (140.9 million searches) and Lionel Messi (104.4). The first with his injury during the 2022 World Cup then his departure from PSG and the second with his World Champion title and his signing in Miami also aroused global interest.

With 63.7 million searches around his name, Kylian Mbappé therefore appears in sixth place. He is also ahead of basketball player LeBron James and Virât Kohli, the Indian cricket player, considered the best player in his sport. India’s demographic weight alone explains this ranking.

Kylian Mbappé’s year was rich in world events, notably with his hat-trick, unfortunately insufficient, in the World Cup final against Argentina then his ouster from the Parisian group during the pre-season preparation which had reactivated transfer noises from this summer.

Note, however, that if we take country by country, the most sought-after athlete in France was not the captain of the Blues but Neymar, his former teammate under the tunic of PSG.


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