Paranoid Schizophrenia and Tragic Murders: The Case of Andrea Cardinale and the Engaged Couples

A form of paranoid schizophrenia pushed Andrea Cardinale, a 22-year-old from Palermo, to kill his friends on December 21, 2022 Nino Calabrò and Francesca Di Dio – two engaged couples from the province of Messina – in their apartment in Thornaby, England. This is the sentence issued by the judges of the Teesside court who today, after having assessed the mental health conditions of the boy on whom suspicions were immediately focused, definitively found Cardinale guilty and ordered him to be hospitalized without time limits in a specialized hospital.

According to what emerged in the final act of the trial, the health conditions of Cardinale, who arrived in England with Nino in 2019, worsened in the period preceding the murder, as emerged during a short trip to Sicily by the young man. The young man, who worked as a croupier, was apparently obsessed with Satan. Some “voices” would have pushed him to kill the couple as he would have told his father about him. Furthermore, in the boy’s original plan there would also have been the intention to set fire to the apartment where the crime took place, but in the end the 22-year-old did not find the courage to do so.

Andrea killed the two boyfriends with brutal violence by repeatedly hitting them with a baseball bat while they were sleeping, aiming first at Nino and then at Francesca who tried to defend herself, trying to escape from the killer’s violence. The girl’s body was found near the stairs where Andrea had reached her to kill her. Cardinale, according to what was revealed by the autopsy examination, would have ended both victims with several stab wounds. After the sentence, Cardinale was immediately transferred to hospital.

In December 2022, Francesca Di Dio went to visit her boyfriend who worked as a croupier in a casino in the small English village where she lived. The English police were alerted by the parents of the two people from Messina who had not been able to contact them for several hours. The bodies would have been found by Cardinale’s father who had flown to England a few hours before the crime to assist his son: “The sentence has arrived that condemns my son – he explains to PalermoToday the father, Alessandro – to stay for an unspecified period in a facility. After those events, my mother and I were threatened and forced to leave, now we are in a protected location.”

2023-10-25 17:32:15
#boyfriends #killed #England #Palermo #killer #locked #psychiatric #hospital #Hes #schizophrenic


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