NBA Stars LaMelo and Lonzo Ball Partner with NFT Game ‘StrayShot’ in Blockchain and Sports Tech Collaboration

The merger between the world of sport and that of blockchain technology is taking an increasingly concrete turn. Recently, two rising NBA stars, LaMelo and Lonzo Ball, as well as their fathermade the news by partnering with the NFT game “StrayShot”.

This battle royale shooter, based on la blockchain SKALEis preparing to offer a revolutionary gaming experience all by incorporating Non-Fungible Token (NFT) technology. Let’s decipher this trend in which sports celebrities embrace the world of cryptocurrencies and video games.

The Ball brothers and the world of NFTs

StrayShot: a modern NFT game with multiple collaborations

The upcoming battle royale shooter, StrayShot, is already attracting a lot of attention even before its official launch. iBloxx Studios, the game developer, recently announced a partnership with famous NBA players LaMelo and Lonzo Ball. But that’s not all: the family’s lifestyle brand, Big Baller Brand (BBB), will also be integrated into the game. Indeed, the two brothers, along with other notable members of their family, will become playable characters in the form of NFT.

If the game is currently in public beta phase, details on the playable NFT characters of LaMelo and Lonzo Ball will be revealed once the game launches. Originally called 0xBattleGround, StrayShot could be fully available from December this yearalthough February 2024 seems to be a more likely launch date, in the words of Domenik Maier, CEO of iBloxx.

The Ball brothers’ NFT characters will be dressed in military-style outfits and BBB-branded items. Additionally, the studio plans to launch licensed Ball NFTs outside of the game. LaVar Ball, father of the players and founder of BBB, will also be a character in the game, as will his wife Tina Ball and their youngest son LiAngelo Ball, now an NBA G League player.

Gameplay and blockchain integration

StrayShot offers an immersive gaming experience where players can take on the role of bounty hunters, ready to compete in elimination-style tournaments. But what really sets StrayShot apart is its thrilling gameplay, combining fast-paced action, deep customization and various game modes.

Players can engage in varied modes such as “Hostage Rescue”, “Extraction Shooter” and “Team Deathmatch”, while benefiting from the integration of blockchain technology. The game will also offer un token ERC-20 that players can win during tournaments.

NFT and blockchain mechanics of the game

Earn : By winning battles, players can earn rewards, in the form of NFTs, which attest to their skills.
Possess : Rewards, such as in-game items or skins, are unique NFTs that players can show off as proof of their achievements.
Sell ​​: The StrayShot universe allows players to sell, trade, or use their NFTs to upgrade their gear, showcasing the flexibility and power of blockchain in the gaming world.

The Ball family and the BBB brand

The Ball family’s BBB brand is no stranger to controversy. In 2018, it received an “F” rating from the nonprofit Better Business Bureau. Since then, the brand has improved its rating to reach a score of “C+”, although reasons for complaints are still listed on their site. In 2020, the brand was relaunched and LaVar Ball claimed that Big Baller Brand was worth “a billion.”

Source :


StrayShot isn’t just another video game; it is a fusion between the world of competitive gaming and the booming world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Players are not only rewarded with the fun of the game, but also by tangible digital assets that have real-world value.

Sources : Strayshot, Decrypt

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This article does not constitute investment advice in any way. The information provided here should not be used as a basis for making financial decisions. Cryptocurrency investments involve risks and may result in significant losses. You should only invest what you can afford to lose and carry out your own research before making any investment decisions.

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2023-10-13 09:03:35
#NBA #stars #families #land #NFT #game


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