Napoli-Rudi Garcia: club evaluates coach position after this morning’s meeting

There is no peace for Rudy Garciaagain ended up in question after the defeat against Fiorentina. The position of the coach is being examined by president De Laurentiis, worried about the team’s performance in the league and currently out of the top positions that would guarantee confirmation in the Champions League, an essential goal for the club. A reflection that the president expressed to the coach during the summit held in a hotel in Naples, the day after the defeat against the Italian team.

The disappointing performance, the loss of certainties, the management of substitutions, the evident lack of empathy between the group and the coach, which resulted in the disorganized reactions of some players, the aspects that were explored in depth during the meeting in the presence of the sporting director Meluso and the scouting area manager Michel. Never before has Garcia’s position been in serious doubt. The ownership has not openly expressed its desire to terminate the employment relationship, but the reflection is open and also conditioned by possible replacements. At the moment the only expendable profile is that of Antonio Contethe president’s old obsession.

The only one for whom De Laurentiis would be willing to make a great financial sacrifice. In the background Igor Tudor, but the impression is that only the green light from Conte would get the club out of the impasse. That is, from the need to make a change but at the same time to make it happen with the right person.

2023-10-09 18:07:19
#NapoliRudi #Garcia #club #evaluates #coach #position #mornings #meeting


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