Mexican Swimmers Paulina Alanís and Paulo Strehlke Prepare for Pan American Games in Chile

Paulina Alanís and Paulo Strehlke are part of the National Open Water Team; They are already in Santiago, Chile, to compete in the 10K

Morelos will be present at the Pan American Games in Santiago, Chile, 2023, with Paulina Susej Alanís Hernández and Paulo Strehlke Delgado, swimmers from Cuernavaca belonging to the Mexican National Open Water Team that will go into action next Sunday, October 29 in the 10 kilometers (K) inside the “Los Morros” Lagoon, in San Bernardo.

The above was detailed by the Institute of Sports and Physical Culture of the State of Morelos (Indem), highlighting that Paulina and Paulo are accompanied by Joel Agustín Rodríguez Flores, coach of the Aztec crew and also proudly from Morelos.

Likewise, those who make up the tricolor fleet that, together with the athletes from Morelos, will compete against the best of the American continent, are: Martha Rocío Sandoval Ayala, from Baja California; and Tokyo 2020 Olympian Daniel Delgadillo Faisal, from San Luis Potosí.

It should be noted that Paulo Strehlke and Paulina Alanís have just provided an extraordinary participation in the Central American and Caribbean Games San Salvador 2023; Paulo took three golds (5K, 10K and 4×1250 meter relay); while, Paulina two bronzes in 5K and 10K, as well as gold, similarly, in the 4×1250 meter relay; It was with these achievements that the merman and the mermaid of the capital earned their passport to the Pan American Games.

“It is a very great emotion. It inspires me a lot to be able to represent Mexico in one of the most important international sports competitions. As a child I was afraid to swim in open water, but now, I gain courage with the satisfaction of knowing that I swim for my state and country. I look forward to October 29 to give my all in Santiago, Chile, 2023,” said Alanís Hernández.

Finally, Indem highlighted that both athletes and the coach from Morelos are already in South America, concentrating and fine-tuning details, prior to their participation, fully willing to defend the national flag with determination.

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2023-10-18 21:43:15
#Morelos #athletes #ready #represent #Mexico #Pan #American #Games


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