Massa is Fit: A Spectacular Party of Sports and Fun Takes Over Historic Center

Massa is Fit: A Spectacular Party of Sports and Fun Takes Over Historic Center

A great party of sport and fun. The historic center was invaded yesterday by thousands of people for the ‘Massa is fit’ demonstration. Over 700 young people gave life to performances of various sporting disciplines and not only in the squares and streets: football, fencing, baseball, tennis, rugby, football, skating, cycling, trekking, yoga, martial arts and self-defense, boxing, volleyball, but also gymnastics, athletics, fitness, dance and dance. in the city squares. 43 associations and companies were also present with stands and stations set up in order to raise awareness and try out the various disciplines that can be practiced in the area. A success. Here are all the protagonists.

Piazza Mercurio: Frecce Apuane, Drone One, Alto Tirreno Sub Centre, Sailing Club, San Vitale Candia.

Piazza Aranci: Latin Way Studio’s, Tc Marina di Massa tennis and padel, The Vibe Dance and Fitness, Ronchi Padel Club, Carlo Boiardi 2013, Karate Il Tempio Massimo, Cg Ritmica Sportiva Massa, Ars Historica, Danza Col Cuore, White Tigers, Arts Musical School, Happy sport Mivida, Le Maripose, Pallacanestro Massa, Skating Club, Viviquercioli, Jujitsu Center Massa, Il Piccolo Principe, Abc Massa Baseball e Football, Team De Angeli, Ciclo Abilia, Caribe Loco.

Viale Eugenio Chiesa: Virtus Poggioletto, Ac Montignoso, Apuani Rugby Massa, Società Fencing Malaspina, Fujiama Massa, Afaph onlus.

Largo Matteotti: Local Police Sports Centre, Upper Tuscany Athletics, Ortonovo Hills.

Piazza Palma: Doremi Music School, Cieli in città, Massa Martial Arts Academy.

Guglielmi Theatre: Urban Concept Academy.

Via Bastione: Ving Tsun Kung Fu.

Piazza Bertagnini: Massese boxing.

Under the Municipality: Asd Moove.

2023-10-16 13:51:14
#Sport #aggregation #Athletes #catwalk #center #explodes #Massa #shape


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