Lucrezia Carletti Wins Silver at A2 Overall in Asti, Advances to A1 Absolute Final

Beautiful silver won by Lucrezia Carletti (48 kg category) in the A2 Overall in Asti. The Fazi club athlete will now be able to participate in the A1 Absolute Final which will take place in Rome and which will attract the 16 strongest athletes in Italy for each weight category. Meanwhile, tomorrow the Under 14 team will compete for the regional qualification of the Rookie B championships with Cristian Ioncu (Kg. 42), Lorenzo Marinoni (Kg. 46), Emanuele Brollo (Kg. 50), Alain Reina (Kg. 60), Filippo Canter (kg. 75) and Lucia Morri (kg. 57). Meanwhile, courses are open for everyone under the direction of Guy Ruelle in the gym in Via Del Carso. Info. 347 4418297.

2023-10-28 05:00:02
#Judo #Lucrezia #Carletti


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