Judo Club in Saint-Lubin-des-Joncherets Receives Bronze Label in Labeling Campaign

Saint-Lubin-des-Joncherets. The JCVA is labeled. In order to give clubs better recognition among communities, the labeling campaign was launched in March. The 2023 edition is the first of its kind for judo and the selection criteria are based on four factors: the project, the dynamics of the club, the activity and the sporting offer as well as the supervision and training.

Four levels are accessible, depending on the number of points awarded. Gold, silver, bronze and affiliated for structures that have not obtained the minimum number of points or have not applied.

Free of charge, the process must contribute to strengthening the image, reputation and visibility of the beneficiary structure.

Questioned at the start of the year, the Judo Club de la Vallée d’Avre (JCVA), in Saint-Lubin-des-Joncherets, is one of the eight clubs in the department to have been awarded the bronze label. No gold or silver label was awarded.

Cyril Bonin, president of the JCVA, is satisfied. “It’s a good start, with two or three more referees we could hope for silver. The labeling is valid for two years, it’s up to us to do better next time. This award reinforces our start to the season with recent good results and a boom in baby judo registrations. »

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Good results. National tournament in Sens: 312 participants, October 22. In the juniors, Lucas Fermigier and Erwann Côme, first place on the podium, Kheïra Ben Youcef, second.

2023-10-27 04:11:10
#JCVA #labeled #bronze #good #start


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