Judo Club Chalonnais Thrives in 2022-2023 Season with Increased Participation and Accomplishments

After a 2021-2022 season that began with uncertainties but which also saw an increase in the number of Judokas playing on the mat, the Judo Club was keen to continue this great dynamic and the 2022-2023 season which opened its doors would allow to keep promises.

The Chalonnais Judo Club proposed and organized several events:

The departmental arbitration course on Saturday September 24, 2022 (46 participants)
The Taïso/women’s self defense course on Sunday September 25, 2022. (48 participants)
The Grand Chalon technical prize which welcomed nearly 300 small judokas during the afternoon of December 10, 2022.
The refereeing course and junior/minor match tests on January 28, 2023 (52 participants)
1 elite Benjamins/Minimes course with the departments of 21, 58 and 01 with 80 participants, the day of February 13, 2023.
Chick interclubs with nearly 150 toddlers on Saturday March 4, 2023.

With the same aim of developing young Judokas, the Judo Club Chalonnais offered 2-day courses for 6/12 year olds each holiday period with an average of 35 and 55 judokas on the tatamis and an always friendly technical exchange. !
For older children, other courses were offered at the departmental and regional level as well as courses with big names in the world of Judo, such as Kilian LE BLOUCH, Olympic gold medalist with the French team.

At the same time, an introduction to Judo was offered during the school sports day, Tuesday October 4, 2022 at the Léo Lagrange stadium in Chalon, where 28 classes from the department had made the trip.

Also note, during the school period, the Judo initiation cycles in the schools of Allerey sur Saône (4 classes), Virey le Grand (3 classes), Fragnes/La Loyère (2 classes) and Fontaines (2 classes) as well as a session with the schools of Crissey and Bourgogne de Chalon. (around 300 students)

During the summer period, Fred and Yann were present in the different neighborhoods of the city of Chalon, in order to introduce young people to this beautiful discipline during the highlights that the neighborhood centers put in place.

It was the same with the leisure centers of St Rémy, St Martin en Bresse, Allériot and Rives de Saône de Chalon.

In all, no less than 300 young people were able to learn Judo during the summer.

Obtaining Black Belt Guard

After a 2021-2022 season very rich in black belts, this season also saw its share of awards with the achievement of Maëva HUGUENIN, Stéphane REBOURGEON and Nicolas BRUNON.

Maxime PIELUCHA-MELEY has obtained the katas and the technical UV and would soon obtain the last points for the black belt.

Céline MONDET for her part obtained the 2nd Dan, and Léa DELHUMEAU, Sarah PETIT as well as Maëva HUGUENIN are not very far away.

Obtaining referee and sports commissioner titles

Stéphane BASSET became an inter-league referee (F3)

Clarrisse CARILLON has become a Regional referee (F2)

Antoine CAGNARD has become Regional Sports Commissioner (N2)

Frédéric MAZUE is a National referee. (F4)

Main sports results

Given the number of competitions in which we participate, I will report here the most important results with a spotlight on those who have been able to shine the colors of the club and the city of Chalon at the highest level.

Category Benjamins

Kenzi BOUAICHA 3rd Burgundy/BCF Champion (highest level in this category)
Aymen EL GDAH Champion of Bourgogne/3ème BCF
Yacine NAGARA Vice Champion of Burgundy/3rd BFC
Roméo BOGGIO 3rd Burgundy/5th BFC

Category Minimal

Assia SAFI BFC Champion/qualified Coupe de France
Candice CARILLON, vice-Champion BFC/qualified Coupe de France
Thomas PORTRAT 5ème BCF
All 3 selected French Cup by Department teams

Candice 3rd BFC Young Sports Commissioner’s Cup

Cadet Category

Maeva HUGUENIN 3rd BCF 1st Division/qualified France cadets 1st Division
Sarah PETIT 5th BFC 1st Div/ Champion BFC 2nd Div/qualified France 2nd Div.
Daniel SOLOMONYAN 3rd BFC 1st Div/qualified France 1st Div/Champion BFC Espoirs/qualified France Espoir
Mathieu BERBIGET champion BFC Espoirs/qualified France Espoirs

Clarisse CARILLON, BFC Cadets 1st Div Champion, qualified France 1st Division
French team champion with the AJBD2125.

Junior Category

Hélène NASR, BFC Juniors 1st Div Champion, qualified France Juniors 1st Div.
Clarisse CARILLON Vice Champion BFC Juniors 1st Div./France 1st Div. (AJBD2125)
Alice CARILLON Vice Champion BFC Juniors 1st Div./France 1st Div. (AJBD2125)
Laura PERONET 3ème  BFC Juniors  1ère Div
Chloé DEPLANCHON 3ème  BFC Juniors  1ère Div

Senior Category

Laura PERONET Champion BFC seniors 1st Div/qualif France 1st Div. (for the 3rd time)
Amelie BODIMBOURG Senior Vice Champion 1st Div/qualif France 2nd Div.
Mathis RAHA Senior Vice Champion 1st Div/7th France 2nd Div.
Hélène NASR 5th BFC Seniors/qualif France 3rd Div.
Alice CARILLON 3rd BFC seniors 1st Div/qualif France 2nd Div. (AJBD2125)

Category Veterans

Christophe CHARDIN 3rd France Veterans
Jérome RION 3rd France Veterans/3rd Cht Europe Veterans
Manu MICALI 7th Cht Europe Veterans
Manu and Jérome are preparing for the Veterans World Championship at the end of the month in ABU DHABI.

2023-10-24 05:56:41
#Sports #report #Chalonnais #Judo #Club #infochalon.com


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