James Harden’s Future with the Philadelphia Sixers in Question as Conflict with Front Office Continues

In open conflict with the Sixers front office and still not having participated in a single preseason game, James Harden continues to imagine his future elsewhere than in Philadelphia. Nevertheless, the Bearded man assures that he “plans to play” with Philly during the upcoming deadlines.

When and how will the James Harden case end? Difficult to say at the time of these lines, the Clippers and the Sixers still not being on the same wavelength to set up a transfer. But in the meantime, the Bearded Man trains with his Philadelphia team, without making waves.

While he confirmed yesterday that his relationship with the Sixers front office is “beyond repair,” Harden is preparing for the 2023-24 campaign. Unlike the episodes in Houston and Brooklyn in the past, where he did not hesitate to dampen the atmosphere to obtain his exit voucher, the All-Star guard is rather discreet while he is still awaiting his transfer. He plans in particular to play a preseason match (potentially against Atlanta next Friday) before starting the regular season in around ten days.

“I’m here today, working hard and doing what’s necessary as a professional, as I have for 15 years. I control what I can control. I take one day at a time and focus on it. My plan is to play basketball, of course.”

James Harden even praised the coaching of Nick Nurse, successor to Doc Rivers with whom the Bearded had some differences last year.

“There’s more spacing, more opportunities for everyone, it’s less predictable. He can adapt along the way, and if things aren’t working after five or six or seven possessions, or a quarter, he can make the right adjustments. Which is very difficult to do. But he’s really good at it.”

This rather positive approach from Harden can be explained by several parameters. If the guard had decided not to show up to training camp and simply go on strike, he would not have been able to receive the part of his salary that he currently receives (as a reminder, his salary is 35, $6 million for the 2023-24 season). Additionally, as Brian Windhorst ofESPNthe current CBA gives the Sixers the possibility of blocking the free agent status of James Harden in 2024 in the event of a prolonged absence (exactly 30 days) following the opening of training camp.

All of this inevitably pushed Harden to show up at Sixers camp. But according to The Athletic, the Bearded man also thinks that this is the best way for him to obtain this transfer to the Clippers that he is looking for so much. Being professional, being in good shape, and continuing to play at an All-Star level can potentially smooth the negotiations between Los Angeles and Philadelphia, unlike a scenario where Harden is grimacing and spluttering his basketball. Moreover, according to Adrian Wojnarowski ofESPNthe Sixers could completely decide to leave Ramesse on the sidelines if he does not give his all on the floor, which will probably not facilitate a transfer.

“James Harden’s motivation to engage with the team, to contribute at a high level, is built on the hope that a move to the Clippers is nearing.”

– Voivodeship

In the end, no one can say with certainty how this issue will evolve. According to the latest rumors, the Sixers still want to get an All-Star player in exchange for Harden, but could use the Clippers’ potential consideration (multiple first-round picks, potentially Terance Mann) to get such a caliber player with another team…


Sources texte : The Athletic, ESPN

2023-10-14 11:25:00
#James #Harden #plans #play #Sixers


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