“I’m happy to celebrate that we’re finally winning”

The F League presented its new brand image this Monday under the motto ‘We are winning’ and celebrating an environment “of peace and stability”


The president of League F, Beatriz Álvarez, assured that “finally” women’s football is “winning”, an idea on which the new brand image of the professional championship revolves and which comes after a first season full of “real difficulties”, but also of “challenges overcome” and “optimism”, and celebrated that everything is leading to “a very different scenario” and that “it finally brings peace and stability”.

The professional women’s soccer league held its second presentation gala of the season this Monday in Madrid with the presence of clubs and players and the support of institutions such as the Higher Sports Council (CSD), with which the employers’ association has lived tensions, or LaLiga, and the justified absence of the interim president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), Pedro Rocha.

For this reason, Beatriz Álvarez congratulated institutions that “have wanted to stage stability and a new era that can come to football and sports in general”, and thanked Víctor Francos, Javier Tebas, Javier Lozano and Servando Revuelta, presidents of the CSD, LaLiga, LNFS and ASOBAL respectively.

The leader apologized for the absence of Pedro Rocha, interim president of the RFEF and absent due to a last-minute trip, but who “had accepted an invitation to make this moment of peace visible.” “We want to generate another scenario that is very different from the one we are used to and provides peace and stability, which is what football needs,” she stressed.

The president of League F did not forget the feat of the Spanish team in the Women’s World Cup nor did the forward Jenni Hermoso, for whom she showed her support. “After tyranny always comes a time of construction. We are facing a new era of Spanish football, of women’s football. Words convince, but examples drag and that is our new challenge for the F League and the institutions. I am happy to celebrate with you, we are finally winning,” he stated, advancing the axis on which the new brand image of the championship rotates.

In any case, Álvarez also recalled that since the first gala last year where they presented the championship “in style” in his first year as a professional, “many things have happened”, but above all “difficulties, barriers, inconveniences and some tripping “.

“But there have also been good things, challenges overcome, milestones, records and important changes, and things that remain intact such as enthusiasm, motivation, optimism and unity, certain things in our DNA that we must never forget throughout the process. “added the Asturian.


This stressed that, although they lived “a great season in sports”, in the institutional sphere there was “a moment of great tension.” “We had the feeling that the organizations and institutions that should ensure and protect this country project were cornering us and, in some way, putting us in real difficulties to be able to face the challenges that lay ahead of us,” she stressed.

The president of League F stressed that they have been “overcoming” these obstacles, but regretted that they felt “alone and, in a certain way, attacked.” “And the independence of League F to choose our destiny was seriously jeopardized,” warned Beatriz Álvarez.

The president also complained about not having had a “much easier” start compared to the previous year due to the players’ strike on the first day due to the lack of agreement in the Collective Agreement, repeating what happened in 2022-2023 when the The stoppage was then carried out by the referees. For the former player, “today”, one can “proudly say” that they have an agreement that gives “stability in the coming years to the players, the league and the clubs.”

“We start this season with hope, with the illusion of a new future and a horizon to explore, and I hope that it is truly all united. The F League is taking stable steps with its feet on the ground, but also with its mind set in dreams and in new challenges, which we still have a lot to accomplish,” he continued.

In this sense, he referred to the strategic plan, which they began “with very little margin” and which they have currently developed “for the next three years and which lays the foundations for everything” they wish to “project”, and also to brand development. “We want to be a symbol of social change, impact and influence people’s lives, generate an inclusive community where everyone fits. We all have an F League inside, but each one of us will discover it over time. We are people with a individual capacity that makes us unique and unstoppable and we are demonstrating it,” he stated.


Subsequently, Alex Pallete, Strategy Director of the consulting firm ‘Picnic’, was in charge of presenting the new brand image of the F League, which will have the motto ‘We are winning’ and explained that when the employers approached them “they had questions great about how they could really be a key actor so that women’s football is where it deserves in the future and to leave a legacy.

The manager made it clear that the way was by “building community because identity is quite powerful” and that for League F “it was time to evolve and wake up the people who have League F inside them and don’t know it.”

“It has been a bit of a healing process. We knew what we want, where we came from, but also rediscover and share where we all wanted to go and impact. The most important thing was to discover ourselves as a community and that spirit of protest that we have in women’s football. turn it into something positive, not from complaint but from optimism,” Beatriz Álvarez said in this regard.

The president of League F did not hide that the women’s team has won “much more than a World Cup.” “For me, that day the brand made more sense, that we are winning, because it is evident that we are winning with them in hope, unity and motivation, but not against anyone. Every step we take is for those who come behind so that they can compete in a professional league and with increasingly better conditions,” he said.

2023-10-16 18:52:13
#happy #celebrate #finally #winning


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