Close Match Ends in Victory for Mestre Basketball over Roseto Basketball

Close Match Ends in Victory for Mestre Basketball over Roseto Basketball

Balanced start to the match (8-8 after five minutes), with Klyuchnyk already burdened with two fouls and forced to sit on the bench. Some winning initiatives by Tamani, excellently triggered by Mantzaris’ assists, allow Roseto to put their noses ahead at 10-13, but the hosts return to parity in a short time, with the back and forth between the two teams that continues until at the first siren (19-18 at 10′). Five consecutive points from the former Sebastianelli open the second half, with Mestre taking decisive command of the operations by making the first significant extension of the contest to 31-22 in the 16th minute. Donadoni, Durante and Thiam try to shake up the blue and whites, but there are too many errors in the offensive phase (0/9 from beyond the arc in the first twenty minutes), just as there are too many carelessness in the defensive phase, with the home team , with baskets from Morgillo, Bugatti and Bocconcelli, they fly up to +17 at 47-30, before two free throws from Mantzaris send the teams to the locker rooms for the long interval at 47-32.

The music does not seem to change at the start of the third period, with Mestre who, after having reached the maximum advantage of the match at 50-32, manages the lead margin without apparent worries (59-42 at 25′). Roseto, however, had a jolt in the second half of the half and with Donadoni, Tamani and Mantzaris in evidence he nibbled away point after point, returning to within a double-digit deficit at the end of the thirtieth minute at 59-52. At the beginning of the last half, coach Ciocca’s team returns to pierce the Rosetana retina with excellent percentages, returning to +15 (69-54) in the 32nd minute and seems to be able to control the match again. The blue and whites, however, try not to give up and with Mantzaris, Tamani and Donadoni they halve the deficit again five minutes from the final siren (74-66 at 35′). The lagoon team begins to lose some certainty, with a triple by Mantzaris and a three-point play by Guaiana that completely reopen the game with 1’22” left at 75-72, with Tamani subsequently bagging the 2 at 78-76 when there are still 22 seconds left on the clock. Sebastianelli, sent to the line, makes it 1/2, leaving Liofilchem ​​with the last shot to make an impact, but Mantzaris is unable to find the overtime triple, allowing Mestre to breathe a big sigh of relief and rejoice for the success achieved.

Next round Saturday 28 October, when on the sixth day of the first leg we will return to the friendly walls of the PalaMaggetti hosting Virtus Imola.

(19-18; 47-32; 59-52)

MESTRE: Bugatti 21, Bocconcelli 9, Mazzucchelli 13, Pellicano ne, Morgillo 17, Perin 4, Tibaldo ne, Lenti 4, Caversazio 2, Sebastianelli 9. Coach: Ciocca.

ROSETO: Durante 9, Maiga 2, Dervishi, Donadoni 15, Thiam 4, Guaiana 8, Tamani 15, Mantzaris 15, Klyuchnyk 5, Santiangeli 3. Coach: Gramenzi.

Referees: Sironi from Cinisello Balsamo (MI) and Marconetti from Rozzano (MI).

Out for five fouls: Tamani.

2023-10-21 22:08:59
#Roseto #Basketball #defeat #Mestre


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