Cislaghese Athlete Cristian Brundu Wins Bronze at Regional Karate Championships

CISLAGO – Great resultor for the Cislaghese athlete Cristian Brunduwho last Sunday at the Brembate di Sopra sports center (Bergamo), won the bronze medal at the regional Karate championships, kata specialty, cadet category (14-15 years).

This extraordinary result will allow to the athlete of the Asd Cistellum Judo Karate to participate in the Italian championships which will be held in Ostia Lido at the end of October. The bronze achieved represents recognition of Cristian’s skills and an important success for the coaches and managers of Cistellum Judo Karate, which sees its athletes compete on top-level stages. “Congratulations to Cristian, good luck for the next competitions and thanks to the Asd Cistellum Judo Karate, for their constant commitment and collaboration in all the sporting and associative initiatives of Cislago” underlined by the Cislago civic administration.

(photo: the young Cristian Brundu shows the medal won in Brembate di Sopra)


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2023-10-04 12:30:10
#Karate #Cristian #Cislago #takes #medal #regionals


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