Analysis: Evaluation of the Asian Games and the Challenges Ahead for PBSI

Analysis: Evaluation of the Asian Games and the Challenges Ahead for PBSI


Putra Permata Tegar Idaman | CNN Indonesia

Wednesday, 11 Oct 2023 19:17 IWST

1. Evaluation of the Asian Games: If PBSI is slow, it won’t survive. 2. Is it difficult to be selective in tournaments?

Fajar/Rian is still worthy of being counted on to win a gold medal at the 2024 Paris Olympics. (PBSI)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

PBSI has written one of the darkest records in the history of Indonesian badminton in Asian Games. PBSI must move quickly to avoid a bigger failure, namely without a gold medal at the Olympics.

PBSI set a target of three gold medals and that target was completely out of reach. The target is not only failed to be grasped, but is really just a dream.

Not only did they fail to win three gold medals, the Indonesian Badminton Team was not even able to present a medal. This then becomes a dark note.

On paper, the target of three Asian Games gold medals is clearly realistic. The men’s team team, Anthony Ginting, and Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto occupy the first seed position. Not to mention other top names such as Jonatan Christie and Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva.

That’s why when not a single Indonesian badminton player got on the podium, the Asian Games really became gloomy days for them.

Reflecting on this dark and gloomy record, PBSI must ensure that the Indonesian Badminton Team does not continue to completely sink.

Evaluation has been carried out by PBSI. In the existing presentation, PBSI has explained the causes of failure experienced by the players.

In Rionny Mainaky’s explanation, mentality was the main factor behind this failure. Players feel pressured because the target must be to win and the demand is not to lose. This then encourages players to become hesitant in playing.

The tension of the players then has a big influence on the outcome of the match. Players can no longer enjoy playing on the field.

When the game can no longer be enjoyed, the chances of losing will be greater. That’s what happened on match days in Hangzhou, China.

In terms of player material, the current Indonesian Badminton Team squad is considered better than the Indonesian squad ahead of the 2012 Olympics when Indonesia did not win a medal at the Olympics. Therefore, success or failure at the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics will be determined more by PBSI’s touches to the players entering the battle arena.

In the presentations given by Rionny, the level of evaluation presented was still in the form of general matters. The details of each point are certainly not explained and this is what will have a big influence on the results seen in the future.

PBSI has announced points for improvement. Now it’s just a matter of how they implement and act according to the points they have promised.

Read the continuation of this news on the following page >>>

Selectively Participating in Tournaments Is It Difficult to Happen?



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