“We want to transform the electoral system of the Spanish federations”


The president of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), Víctor Francos, stressed this Wednesday his intention to “transform” the electoral system of the Spanish federations and announced that there will be “changes” in the Ministerial Order that will be seen in the next elections of said organisms.

“We want to transform the electoral system of the Spanish federations. We have to make the Ministerial Order that will electorally regulate the next federative elections and I can assure you that there will be changes,” declared the leader after signing the accession of the Hipódromo de la Zarzuela to the Semana European Sports.

Regarding the next elections in the RFEF, the Council’s “desire” is for them to be in “the first quarter of 2024”, since Spain “does not expect anything else” and extending it would be understood by society in a way that is “inappropriate” for the message that you want to send. “The Management Board is established exclusively to call elections, not to manage the Federation,” he stated.

The Catalan stressed that the “resistance of machismo in sport” has ended and they are going to make “the necessary changes” to fix the situation. “I’m not just talking about football, I’m talking about sport in general, we are going to do everything possible to improve it,” he confessed.

On the other hand, he commented on the statements of the former president of the RFEF Luis Rubiales in ‘Talk Sport’, where he believes that he did not say “anything new with respect to what he had already said in his statement”, while this Friday at the National Court only He expects me to tell the truth. “He will try to defend himself, he has every right in the world, to explain his reasons and the judge will decide and we will respect what he decides,” he argued.

This Friday is the first call-up for the women’s team after the controversy and although Francos did not want to “interfere in the negotiation” with the footballers, he did speak with Pedro Rocha, interim president of the RFEF, and conveyed his “optimism” to him. . “I trust and would like women’s football to be regularized in that aspect as well, I think that the relationship between women’s football and the Royal Spanish Football Federation must be normalized right now,” he said.

From his organization, he believes that “every selectable player” should go to the Spanish team, both “pre-15 and post-15”, although in the event that a footballer resigns, he will listen to their reasons. “If someone resigns and explains their reasons and they are understandable, then I will respect them, it would be necessary,” he confessed.

Regarding the strike in La Liga F, the CSD believes that it is “a negotiation between the unions and the employers”, and the only thing they do is “put in money.” “The parties have not contacted us, we respect that this negotiation takes place and if at any time they need something from the CSD, we will be there,” he confirmed.

Their contribution to women’s football has been “more than 22 million today and they commit 7.5 for this year and another 7.5 for the next”, so they believe that they are “compliance amply” and that they do not care where it is destined, if it is to improve.

Furthermore, during the event that he presided over, he also wanted to vindicate the fight against machismo in sports, in which they can beat him, but “they are not going to beat Spain.” “This no longer stops anyone, Spanish sport is either also feminine or it won’t be and we are going to turn the situation around,” he highlighted.

The lawyer is “convinced” that Spanish society “desires” this change, and is “committed” to all initiatives that promote gender policies. “I would have liked to come to this in a more natural way, but it has happened that way and we are going to take advantage of it. The change in sport, in its feminization and in equality policies is unstoppable,” he concluded.

2023-09-13 12:29:21
#transform #electoral #system #Spanish #federations


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