Vējonis Elected President of LBS, Outlines Plans for Future Initiatives

Vējonis Elected President of LBS, Outlines Plans for Future Initiatives

Vējonis was elected president of LBS on January 21, 2020.

“I am ready to continue working to continue what has been started and develop new initiatives,” writes Vējonis, “for all four years I have been open to constructive conversations with LBS members and in the near future I will meet with many LBS members again, listening to opinions, ideas and needs.”

The LBS president promises to summarize his vision in the program, which will be submitted “by the deadline set in the LBS statutes”.

The president of LBS will be elected during the meeting of the members of the organization.

The current term of office of Vējonis will end on January 20, 2024.

According to the LBS statutes, each LBS member can nominate a candidate for the post of LBS president no later than one calendar month before the members’ meeting – until October 24, 2023, by submitting a written application to the general secretary and attaching the nominated candidate’s written consent to occupy the position of president, the candidate’s autobiography, written by the candidate Latvian basketball development programs and priorities for the four-year period.

Vējonis was elected LBS president by receiving 34 votes, while his competitor Anete Jēkabsone-Žogota received 14 votes. Kaspars Tsiprus withdrew his candidacy and in the same year was confirmed as the general secretary of LBS.


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