The forced kiss of Rubiales “should never have happened”, finally criticizes the president of Fifa – Liberation

Gianni Infantino, the boss of world football, spoke officially for the first time Thursday August 30 on the gesture committed by the president of the Spanish federation on his player Jenni Hermoso after the victory at the World Cup on August 20.

It therefore took him ten days to recognize that you don’t kiss someone against their will. The president of the International Football Federation, Gianni Infantino, criticized Thursday evening August 30 the forced kiss given by Luis Rubiales to the player Jenni Hermoso, for his first public statement in this affair. “The well-deserved celebrations of these magnificent champions were marred by what happened after the final whistle. And what continued to happen the following days, ”wrote the leader on his Instagram account.

“This should never have happened. But it happened and the disciplinary bodies of Fifa immediately assumed their responsibilities and took the necessary measures,” added Gianni Infantino.

Luis Rubiales caused a wave of indignation around the world by forcibly kissing the Spanish international Jenni Hermoso during the medal ceremony after the coronation of Spain in the final of the World Cup-2023, on August 20 in Sydney.

Fifa, which opened disciplinary proceedings against him on August 24, suspended him two days later from all football activities at national and international level for a period of 90 days, while the investigation takes place. “The disciplinary procedure will continue its legitimate course”, observes Gianni Infantino in the message posted on Instagram, accompanying ten photos taken in the moments following the victory of Roja where we see him with the Spaniards on the podium.

“On our side, adds the boss of world football, we must continue to focus on how to support women and women’s football more in the future, both on and off the pitch. Defend the true values ​​and respect the players as people as well as for their fantastic performances”, he continues.

In Spain, the Spanish public prosecutor’s office announced on Monday the opening of a preliminary investigation for “sexual assault” targeting Luis Rubiales, who defends himself and speaks of a “consensual kiss”, a version categorically denied by Jenni Hermoso.

The suspended president of the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) is also the subject of a complaint by the Spanish government to the Administrative Sports Court (TAD), the competent court in Spain in sports matters. If the TAD deems it admissible and decides to open proceedings, the government may then, within 48 hours, suspend him from his duties, until the case is judged on the merits.

The presidents of the regional Spanish football federations, summoned urgently on Monday by the interim president of the RFEF, have called for his immediate resignation.


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