Terrence Ross Considering Move Abroad to Serbia as NBA Opportunities Dwindle

At 32 years old, it may be time for Terrence Ross to leave the NBA. After many seasons being a true microwave in the League, the forward has been without a team for months and is approaching the preseason without anyone having noticed him. Therefore, what until recently was a distant option is beginning to be the main one. What are we talking about? To make the leap abroad.

That’s how it is. The one who was number 8 in the 2012 draft does not frown upon playing outside the NBA; Of course, he would do it under exact conditions, since in his head he has only one destination as a real option. This is what he explains himself in statements collected by BasketNews.

«My wife and her family are from Serbia. Although many of them have moved around the world, they are all from the former Yugoslavia. I have a lot of friends and family there, my wife often takes the kids to Serbia and I have a lot of family connections there. If there is a possibility of returning to Serbia with my family and living there for a certain period of time, that is something I would definitely think about because it has enormous sentimental importance. “If I were to play abroad, that would be the only option,” she says.

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The truth is that seeing Ross in the Balkan country would not be a surprise, not only because it is his preference, but because not long ago he admitted that he had already had an offer this summer. To be exact, there was talk that Partizan had put a contract on the table for him. We understand that at that time he did not accept it because he wanted to hurry up his options to continue in the NBA, but these are becoming fewer and fewer.

(Photo by Alex Goodlett/Getty Images)

2023-09-12 08:00:00
#Terrence #Ross #chooses #destination #NBA


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