Teddy Riner Sets Sights on Third Olympic Gold Medal at Paris 2024

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Teddy Riner seems immortal. At 34, the Guadeloupean won his eleventh world title in Doha last May, beating Inal Tasoev in the final. In the columns of The teamthe judoka returned to this victory, a few months before the Paris Olympic Games: “A lot of positive points, the mind responded present, the physical condition too. If there was a negative point: a little loss of speed, precision. But we know why, I was injured a few weeks before (finger), very little judo. ». Teddy Riner will once again be expected at the turn of the next Olympiad, where he will be one of France’s greatest chances.

Riner already dreams of the Olympics

He will once again be the man to beat for his competitors, he who is aiming for a third Olympic title: “If it scares them, so much the better. But there are fights, we will have to fight, stay focused. I’ll be at home, I’ll be under a lot of pressure, it’s up to me to manage that. […] It’s normal to start dreaming about it, to have nightmares about it: you see yourself losing, winning, in the worst of situations, you reverse the situation… The Olympic Games, sport. Let’s hope the best-case scenario takes over in a few months.

To sum up

Teddy Riner looked back on the coming season, a few months after winning his eleventh world championship title. The French judoka is already thinking of the Paris Olympic Games in 2024, where he will aim for a third gold medal.

2023-09-02 09:10:19
#Riner #thinking #Paris #warning #competition


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