Neufchâtel Archers: Standing Out in Archery Competitions

Par Lucie Rochette–Montalieu
Published on 29 Sep 23 at 8:12 p.m. See my news Follow Le Réveil de Neufchâtel The archers of Neufchâtel-en-Bray should be watched for the next archery competitions ©Le Réveil

Precision, rigor and calm: these are the main qualities for a good archer. At the Arc company in Neufchâtel (Seine-Maritime), all these conditions are met, and the latest results prove it.

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For the first time since the creation of the club in 2005, a team of three athletes went to the French Championship in July 2023, in Saint-Avertin (Indre-et-Loire). Although they finished 14th out of the 24 teams selected, the archers and coaches were happy. “This year, we did everything to make ourselves available during the qualifying sessions, by blocking our weekends,” explains Éric Liberpré, coach of the team made up of Quentin Hocq, Gilles Lavisse and Damien Danel in the compound category. “We have felt ready for a long time. »

It is a common misconception that archery is an individual sport only.

Philippe Danel

These qualifying sessions were hectic, but the points were enough to reach the Grail. “We were the only team with that of Mont-Saint-Aignan to represent Normandy,” proudly specifies Philippe Danel, the president of the club.

The archers of Neufchâtel mainly use compound bows ©Le Réveil

Three archers at the French Beursault Championship

And it’s not over, since on October 1, 2023, Quentin Hocq, Tom Deligny, and Gilles Lavisse, respectively departmental champions Seniors 1, U21 and 2nd in Seniors 2, will be present for the French Beursault championship, a discipline special and traditional archery.

The goal: shoot 40 arrows into a 45 cm target, 50m from the target. “The center of the target is four centimeters,” adds Olivier Duhamel, team coach.

We have no room for error on the Beursault. There is only one arrow to shoot, none can catch if a mistake is made.

Gilles Laville

The little extra of this discipline: you have to shoot an arrow, go get it and shoot in the other direction at a second target. And so on, i.e. 20 arrows per target and 2 kilometers traveled between targets. “And we are told that archery is not a sport!” », joke the archers. “It’s really interesting about the technicality of the discipline,” adds the team’s cadet, Tom Deligny.

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2023-09-29 18:12:01
#Talents #Arc #Company #NeufchâtelenBray


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