Moto3, 2023 Indian GP: Masia on pole, Bertelle 2nd. Qualifying highlights

Eighth pole position of his career (the fourth this year) for Masia, but the surprise of the day is Matteo Bertelle’s second place. Sasaki third, only 19th Holgado, leader of the World Championship. The Moto3 Grand Prix is ​​scheduled for Sunday at 9am, live on Sky Sport MotoGP and streaming on NOW

All that was missing was rain, after a day and a half of sun and dry asphalt. She arrived on time for the qualifications, there couldn’t have been a worse time. In Moto3 he put more than one rider into crisis (see Alonsoamong the youngest and least experienced in the championship), except farmhousewho can handle the rain well as he demonstrated by signing the eighth pole position of his career, the fourth this year. In India he went strong immediately on Friday, he reiterated it under the water on Saturday. If the Leopard pilot is any confirmation Matteo Bertelle with second place is the real surprise of the dayfirst time on the front row for the young Snipers driver, a team that lost out on the other hand Fenati injured Friday (yesterday’s fall initially seemed less serious for the left foot which instead suffered some microfratture which will force him to skip Japan too). Bertelle fought for the entire qualifying round, signing the decisive lap right at the last minute (with a gap of 41 thousandths on the third qualified).

Holgado forced to recover: 19th on the grid

The rain put the other deb in crisis, Collin Veijer, very fast in the dry, finished in the third row with the ninth time, due to the wet conditions. The world championship leader, however, continues to show no signs of recovery. Even excluded from Q1, Daniel Holgado he will start nineteenth, to the joy of Sasaki, his direct opponent in the world championship, who will start from the front row with the third fastest time. Well Stefano Nepa who grabbed a precious seventh place, while Riccardo Rossi he finished, disappointed, with the fifteenth fastest time.

Moto3, GP India: the starting grid


1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Moto3 #Indian #Masia #pole #Bertelle #2nd #Qualifying #highlights


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