Moroccan Judokas Shine at the 44th African Senior Judo Championships with One Gold and Two Silver Medals

Moroccan judokas won one gold and two silver medals on Thursday at the end of the first day of the 44th African Senior Judo Championships, organized by the Royal Moroccan Federation of Judo and Similar Martial Arts, under the High Patronage of HM King Mohammed VI.

The Moroccan Soumiya Iraoui won the gold medal (-52 kg) of these competitions which continue until September 10, after beating the Algerian Faiza Aissahine in the final played in the hall Mohammed V sports complex in Casablanca.

>> Read also: Francophonie Games: Morocco wins 6 medals in athletics and 4 in judo

For his part, the Moroccan Abderrahmane Boushita won the silver medal, in the -66 kg category, after losing in the final to the Egyptian Mohamed Abdelmaougoud.

For its part, Aziza Chakir gave the Kingdom its second silver medal, after its defeat in the final (-48 kg) against Tunisian Beduui Oumaima.

Morocco provisionally occupies 2nd place in the medal table behind Egypt, first with four medals (2 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze).

These African championships see the participation of 250 judokas from 40 African countries.

2023-09-08 14:24:01
#Morocco #wins #gold #medal


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