From Baseball to Basketball: The Rise of Josh Hawkinson

During the period of 2023 (target: May 2023 to September 2023), we will announce the top 3 articles with the greatest response on NumberWeb. Click here for 1st place in the basketball category! (First published on September 5, 2023/All titles and other information are at the time).

Josh Hawkinson, 28 years old, played brilliantly at the World Cup as a member of the Japanese men’s basketball team. After graduating from university, he moved from Seattle to Nagoya in the western United States and played in the B League for a long time. He also obtained Japanese nationality. Who is Hawkinson, whose performance made TV broadcasters exclaim, “I’m really glad this guy is in Japan!” This was revealed by his father, Nels.

Josh Hawkinson is never late for appointments. One Sunday when he was a 17-year-old high school student, he went to church, ate, and ran some errands, and then, unusually, he didn’t show up at a family meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. . He hasn’t even looked inside the house. His parents were worried and looked outside his home to find him crying, looking up at the sky while throwing a baseball.

“I’m quitting baseball.”

Baseball was better than basketball.”

Soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter, and baseball in the spring. Josh was a boy with three swords. His father, Nels, is a former professional basketball player who played in Norway, and his mother, Nancy, played in Denmark. That’s why I understood his son’s talent. Nels says, thinking back to his high school days.

“He was better at baseball than basketball. As a parent, you could tell just by watching him. He was 6 feet 10 inches tall and was throwing the ball 155 kilograms. That was not a wild Randy Johnson.”

Blake Snell was a senior at Shorewood High School near Seattle, Washington. The star left-hander, who later won the Cy Young Award (best pitcher award) in the major leagues, started, and the right-hander Josh sometimes relieved him. Nehls remembers the surprised looks of major league scouts and general managers who came to see Snell, saying, “Who is that? That amazing Noppo.”

Giving up baseball → Going to university for basketball

That’s when I hurt my right arm. Nehls didn’t say much, but the area where he was hit by the ball was so bad that at one point he lost the use of his dominant arm. During a basketball tournament he participated in, he hit all shots with his left hand, including free throws.

[Next page]“Bunmu and martial arts” on land

2023-09-16 13:57:37
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