Former Lyon Striker Sidney Govou Criticizes Team’s Complacency amid Relegation Battle

Olympique Lyonnais is in a relegation position after its defeat in Brest. Before going to Reims, where Fabio Grosso’s team will have a lot to do, Sidney Govou is starting to get angry.

OL have not won a title since the Coupe de France won in 2012, but Lyon supporters seem to believe that things have not really evolved since then and that their favorite team is still a real candidate for the national crown, or at least a runner-up behind PSG. An attitude and comments that get on the nerves of Sidney Govou, the former Lyon striker believing that everyone sees themselves too good at Groupama Stadium. At the age of 44, the Canal+ consultant can legitimately attack this complacency, since he has nevertheless been French Champion seven times under the jersey of Olympique Lyonnais. In his editorial for Le Progrès, Sidney Govou brings everyone back to reality, namely that OL is in the place it deserves at this moment of the season.

OL are living on an old fantasy

The former striker empties his bag in the regional daily, even if it means annoying OL supporters. “ After the defeat at Brest, I heard again: “We are OL, it’s unacceptable, it’s unacceptable…” I can’t stand this sentence anymore. She annoys me more than anything else. “We are Olympique Lyonnais”, that no longer means anything. We have to stop imagining what OL should be. Today, the club has the ranking it deserves. The reality is that the club is second to last. I’m not saying it to annoy, it’s factual, period. And it’s not just because of the players on the pitch. It’s an entire organization, a way of operating that is in question. I don’t understand this inability to be self-critical. We live in an image, a very distant past which no longer exists. You have to think in the short term and remedy problems quickly », Warns Sidney Govou, rather worried by current events in Lyon.

2023-09-25 19:20:55
#Foot #relegated #Govou #clashes #veterans #Olympique #Lyonnais


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