For the French XV, the choice of composition against Namibia will require arbitration

For Fabien Galthié, two theories are possible. The first: bring back the “premium” team, especially since the fourth and final group match against Italy only takes place two weeks later (October 6 in Lyon). The second: once again field a “mixed” team to give a little more playing time to the “hairdressers” who should then remain in the stands. “We will have to referee well between the two matches that remain for us,” explained the coach. Both to keep the players under pressure, to rotate, to rebalance playing times because with a group of 33, all the players can be on the Namibia or Italy sheet. »

Baille almost fit, exams for Marchand

Rest assured, it is “the best team in France at the moment” that will play, as Galthié likes to repeat to justify his choices. The staff must discuss it this Saturday before deciding. The composition for Namibia will be made official on Tuesday.

After the victory against Uruguay, the “premium” can sleep peacefully. None seem able to be titillated in their status. Which could have the harmful consequence of splitting the group in two. Reason why the arbitrations against Namibia could have repercussions on the rest of the competition in the final phase.

One of the main questions will be whether Jonathan Danty, injured in the biceps femoris during the last preparation match against Australia (41-17), will be in the game at the Vélodrome. Since the start of the competition, the staff has repeated that the La Rochelle center is “ready”. But he still hasn’t played a single minute. Will it still be preserved? Possible. For Cyril Baille, injured in a calf against Scotland in mid-August, the answer is yes. The left pillar should wait until the match against Italy to play again. “He is almost fit,” assured forward co-coach Karim Ghezal on Friday.

Only Julien Marchand (torn ischio) is unfit. The hooker, who cycled in Lille, must undergo further examinations this Saturday to see the progress of his injury. And thus validate their retention in the group.


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