Farewell to Carlo Gobbi: A Passionate Sports Journalist and Volleyball Lover

Farewell to the journalist Carlo Gobbi. Sports man, lover of volleyball, both played and spoken. A professional with different nuances of the national sports panorama: from hockey to gymnastics, from judo to rugby. Of course, volleyball is a passion for him that he has never hidden in his half-century career. Years in which the profession has changed, although values ​​and ethics have remained pillars of a profession made of passion. Inventor of the Gazzetta Trophy, he has attended over 6 World Championships and 15 European volleyball championships.


Journalist, in his case representative, ambassador, defender, interpreter, spokesperson not only for volleyball, the sport he plays, and rugby, a beloved sport, but also martial arts and field hockey, archery and skeet shooting, and all disciplines for which every day he struggled to find a page, a half, a shoulder, an italics, a box, a paragraph, a photo news, a dot, in short a space to inform, update, reassure, accompany, protect the enthusiasts, hard core, give them their daily bread even today. Gobbi from Cesenatico. Gobbi with the Mercedes. Gobbi sent. Gobbi jacket and tie, Gobbi sweater, Gobbi paletot, gloves and hat, Gobbi down jacket, scarf and hat, Gobbi cicchetto, Gobbi pen and paper, Gobbi who arrived at the stadium well in advance, sometimes he was the one who opened the gates, and often it was he who opened the press room and the press gallery, he arranged all his devices and in the meantime he observed, studied, reviewed, asked and wrote down, greeted and asked, read, he had his own ritual, even in eating and drinking, parsimonious so as not to compromise vision and judgement, he was not a poet but he knew how to measure and calibrate the words, the weight of the words, the importance of the words, seen-it-printed then there is no turning back, and deliver, send, send quickly because otherwise it will be read only in Largo Treves.

2023-09-21 09:03:07
#stories #rugby #volleyball


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