Cheminots – des Quatre-Vents School Unveils $870,000 Courtyard and Building Renovation Project

(With the help of the Phares School Service Center) The Cheminots – des Quatre-Vents school in Saint-Octave de Métis has unveiled its project for the development of its courtyard and the exterior renovation of the building.

At a cost of $870,000, the 50 students from kindergarten 4 years old to 6th grade now benefit from a completely new layout of the outdoor courtyard to support the orientations and objectives of the school’s educational project.

Outdoor classroom, planting of fruit trees, playground, nothing has been left aside to provide a new living space for the students. Students are therefore made aware of the benefits of their environment and the importance of it.

“We have sought help from our various partners over the past few years. We were able to raise almost $30,000 from the community. The various facilities of our schoolyard will be used by all our students, but they will also remain available outside of school hours for the community,” mentions the director of the Cheminots school, Sébastien Rioux.

Teaching outside

Through these various projects, the establishment wishes to develop an environmental culture in which the preservation of the environment is fundamental.

The Cheminots – des Quatre-Vents school in Saint-Octave de Métis raised nearly $30,000 to carry out its project. (Photo courtesy of the Phares School Service Center)

“We believe that outdoor activities and outdoor education will help address nature deficit disorder and get children to enjoy outdoor activities. To do this, we are committed to supporting the project by integrating, into our teaching practices, the concept of an outdoor classroom and the elements of the food forest which will be developed by the redevelopment of the schoolyard,” indicates teacher Cindy. Michaud, from the Cheminots school.

2023-09-14 20:34:39
#Cheminotsdes #QuatreVents #school #courtyard #SaintOctave


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