Capital gains, the investigation into De Laurentiis and Osimhen: what can happen, the comparison with Juve

Another entry in the register of suspects for Aurelio De Laurentiis, this time by the Rome Prosecutor’s Office. Yet another “act due” in the long, almost exhausting process of the investigation into the transfer of Victor Osimhen al Napoli. An operation that had already caused discussion at the time and that everyone in the environment – from the first of the insiders to the last of the fans – had branded as a fake capital gain (at least for the part that concerned the counterparts techniques) – but on which the judiciary has not yet reached a conclusion conclusion. Who knows if he will ever get there.

It was the summer of 2020 when Osimhen landed in Naples, paid the beauty of 71 million euros to Lillesolo 50 but actually paid in cash to the French club, the rest through i tags of the second goalkeeper Karnezis and the kids of Spring Liguori, Water e Palmieriwho have neither before nor since seen a field of A league but they were estimated at the time at the hyperbolic figure of 15 million in total. They have since moved on three years and the Nigerian striker has had time to become the symbolic man of the scudetto sky blue. This is why today’s news (it would be a euphemism to speak of a turning point) on the investigation by the Rome Prosecutor’s Office at least it appears late. Everything is explained by the times of ordinary justicewhich as we have learned well over the last year with the Juventus scandal do not always coincide with those of the justice sporty.

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In reality the Prosecutor’s Office (that of Napoli) has been officially investigating the case for almost a year and a half, when the file was opened in June 2022. The investigation took a long time because at the beginning of the year the Prosecutor’s Office requested the extension of six months envisaged by the code, arriving in June 2023, therefore on time, to the first conclusions: the crime of fraudulent declaration (the escape of approximately 4.6 million VAT on the over-invoicing of the fictitious capital gain, but having closed the budget at a loss there were no taxes to pay anyway), the accusation of false communications social. But since the budget was approved in Rome, the competence it is up to the Capital Prosecutor’s Office, to which the documents were sent in last few weeks and that today he did his prima move.

The point is not so much a what outcomes the investigation will arrive (it will still take time and in any case it concerns the profile CRIMINAL), but what’s in his papers. The worm that excites the fans, all of them and in particular those black and whiteand the unequal treatment between Napoli (and the other teams) and Juventus, severely punished for theirs capital gains. Although with different proportions and iterations, the cases are similar and in fact Osimhen’s name also appeared in the famous list of “transfers suspicious” broadcast by Covisoc at the Prosecutor’s Office Figc in October 2021. It cannot therefore be said that the sports justice ignored it, or that he did double standards because all those transfers (including Osimhen) were judged in the same way, that is, archived in the capital gains process which ended in a soap bubble in the spring of 2022.

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The folder relating to Juve was reopened in light of the evidence found by the ordinary judiciary, essentially the wiretaps not mail seized. All that remains is to see what the Naples (and now Rome) prosecutors have found to find out if they will be there consequences, on the criminal and possibly sporting front. Then, the judiciary was not needed to discover that Osimhen’s gain was at least in part a fictitious capital gain: it was enough to listen to the words of Luigi Liguorione of the involuntary protagonists of that operation, who a Republic in 2021 he said he was not never even been to Lille. If anything, the only question to really answer is whether that operation (single, not a system) so designed deserved a sanctionand which.

Twitter: @lVendemiale

2023-09-26 16:06:26
#Capital #gains #investigation #Laurentiis #Osimhen #happen #comparison #Juve


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