3rd Edition of the Forest Market Moves to New Location in Auberive Forest

Animation. It is in a new location but still in the Auberive forest that the 3rd edition of the forest market will be held on Sunday September 24 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. After the first two successful editions, the Auberive festival committee had to resolve to move the event to the Les Ilierres estate.

A change of location, as the president of the festival committee Benjamin Thiery explains, which “was made necessary because the NFB asked us an exorbitant price to continue to do it in the same place”. In fact, the organizers should have paid 8% of the turnover in addition to a sum of €1,300. A total that is too high for the festival committee which finances a large part of its activities throughout the year with profits from the forest market. In 2022, the contribution requested by the ONF was €800 plus 8% of turnover.

For the organizers, who explain that they tried to find a solution, particularly in relation to the obligation imposed on them to use solar groups to power the market, the move was necessary and it was to the Les Lierres estate, “a private site but which has the advantage of allowing us to keep the spirit of the event, that the 3rd market will take place”. For this 2023 edition, Benjamin Thiery hopes to be able to count on around fifty exhibitors and thus continue the growth achieved between the first and second edition.

It is at the Les Lierres estate that the forest market takes place on September 24.

“In just two years, the forest market has found its audience and the feedback we received compared to last year was very positive,” indicates the president of the festival committee. Wishing to capitalize on the undeniable attraction of the forest and outdoor events, the organizers have scheduled numerous activities throughout the day.

This is how visitors will be able to enjoy a major concert at 4 p.m. which will serve as the last big event of the day but also as a conclusion to the summer markets that the committee organized during the summer in the center of Auberive in two steps from the abbey. In addition to musical entertainment, the market will also offer the opportunity for young and old to try archery, to stroll on rosalies or on mountain bikes but also to relax with the wooden games that will be present on the market of the forest.

Pierre Gaudiot

2023-09-12 13:15:00
#forestry #market #migrates #Les #Lierres #estate


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