Rubiales Case | The Federation convenes an urgent assembly

Rubiales Case |  The Federation convenes an urgent assembly

“The players have done everything to win,” he stressed, but it has become evident, in reference to Rubiales’ performance, that “there is a long way to go in terms of equality and respect and equalization of rights.” He was asked explicitly about the resignation of Rubiales and the president limited himself to remembering that the RFEF “He does not belong to the government structure” and is “elected and dismissed by his associates.”

“Spain is proud of you,” Sánchez told the players of the national team yesterday morning during the reception that took place in Moncloa after winning their first world champion title by beating England on Sunday in the final held in Sydney. .

With hardly any time to rest after the massive party last night in Madrid Río, which lasted until after 1:00 in the morning, with tired faces, the internationals and the coaching staff headed by Jorge Vilda, the delegation, led by Rubiales was received by Sánchez, who thanked “everyone, from the bottom of my heart, on behalf of Spain, for what you have done, how you have done it and how you have made us enjoy”.

The acting President of the Government, who received a shirt signed by the internationals, stressed that they have the “eternal gratitude of society” which has “enjoyed and vibrated” with the team for how it has done in the World Cup and “above all with the heart” they put into winning “great teams, great teams”, “particularly the English team in that extraordinary final”.

“In 2010 we said, we are world champions, now, in 2023, we say with great pride, we are world champions,” Sánchez continued, adding that “this is a success that logically belongs to you as a generation, without a doubt, but that It also pays tribute to other generations of players and also to the technical team that have preceded you and that have worked in a very anonymous way” and that now “see themselves reflected” in this success. The president considered that the world title “will not be the culmination of a process, but will be the beginning of many good things that will happen for women’s soccer and women’s sports” and predicted that both areas have “a bright future ahead.” «What you have obviously achieved is formidable, being world champions, but also something very important is that the girls who are watching you see football as a place where they can develop both sportingly and personally, you are a reference. That for an athlete is a tremendous pride and honor”, continued Sánchez, who insisted that the Spanish Government and the administrations will continue to bet on women’s sport.

He also announced that the Council of Ministers to be held today will approve the granting of the Gold Medal of the Royal Order of Sports Merit to the players, awarded by the Higher Sports Council.

urgent assembly

The case of Rubiales’ kiss to Jenni Hermoso continues to generate information that does not leave Rubiales in a good place. In this case, it has to do with the management that was carried out for the publication of the video in which Rubiales apologized, at the direct request of the Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta.

As reported by the digital media Relevo, “President Luis Rubiales begged Jenni Hermoso to go out with him in a video that they would record at the Doha airport apologizing and explaining what had happened at the awards ceremony.” However, the Pachuca forward, who was kissed by the leader without her consent, refused to participate in said video. But the matter does not end here. Because in the face of Hermoso’s refusal, the coach Jorge Vilda came into play, who tried to mediate with Hermoso’s family. But the soccer player, and her family, have stood firm.

The Federation convened, as a matter of urgency, an Extraordinary Assembly for this Friday. In addition, and based on the latest events that occurred during the Women’s World Cup ceremony, it was wanted to inform that the Federation’s internal proceedings regarding integrity issues are open, as well as the rest of the applicable protocols.

2023-08-23 02:00:26
#Rubiales #Case #Federation #convenes #urgent #assembly


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