Rapid Advances to Play-Offs of Conference League Qualifiers with Dominant Performance

Conference League

The walk was not announced in advance. Rapid celebrated a 5-0 away win against Debrecen on Thursday and, after a tired 0-0 in the first leg, made it through to the play-off of the Conference League qualifiers. “It worked wonderfully, a wonderful evening,” said Zoran Barisic with a sigh of relief. Rapid’s coach looked happily ahead. “The lads gave our fans a great game against Fiorentina, and of course we’re really looking forward to that.”

18.08.2023 12.06

Online since today, 12.06 p.m

In the end, Rapid clearly lived up to their favorite position in Hungary. Thanks to goals from Matthias Seidl (15th), Oleksandr Romantschuk (43rd / own goal), Marco Grüll (51st), Guido Burgstaller (72nd) and Ante Bajic (90th), the highest away win in the European Cup since 2006 in Dudelingen ( 6:1) to book. “It was a superb performance from start to finish, from start to finish. The guys implemented the plan we had very well,” praised Barisic in an ORF interview.

The coach had already identified a delicate phase for his club, as he later revealed. The successful European Cup evening made him particularly happy for his players. “They have really rewarded themselves. It was about time for that,” said Barisic. Burgstaller emphasized the learning effect from the first leg. You’ve learned a lot about pressing and handled the ball with confidence.

Rapid is in the playoffs

Rapid has reached the playoff for the Conference League. After the 0-0 in the first leg of the third qualifying round, the Viennese followed up with a sovereign 5-0 (2-0) in Debrecen.

A lot of money for the club treasury

Pleasing from a green-white point of view: Rapid remained in the running for the UEFA money pots for the time being. The play-off against the Serie A club Fiorentina alone should – according to the “Kurier” calculation – flush a good one million euros into the club coffers.

And certainly after meager performances in the league (0:1 against Hartberg) and in the Debrecen first leg, a elimination against last year’s finalists in the Conference League will not result in an extremely low mood.

more on the subject

Rapid is in the play-off after a rout

“There is no time for euphoria”

In front of their home crowd, Rapid will be looking for a result next Thursday (7:00 p.m., live on ORF1) that still leaves chances for the return game a week later in Florence. The Italians only start in the championship on Saturday with newly promoted Genoa. Rapid meanwhile got its supporters in the mood for a “magical European Cup night in Hütteldorf” on the club’s website.

Before the next European trial of strength, Hütteldorfer will meet the still winless promoted team Blau-Weiss in the Bundesliga in Linz on Sunday. Captain Burgstaller also described the performance against harmless Hungarians as “very fine”, but at the same time issued a warning: “There is no time for euphoria.”

2023-08-18 10:07:42
#Conference #League #Wonderful #evening #Rapid #Debrecen


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