Raising Women’s Participation in the Labor Market: A Key Ingredient for Economic Growth

Published: Tuesday, 01 August 2023 – Newsroom

ROME (news) – The words of Carmela Tiso and the spokesman Attilio Arbia

ilmamilio.it – ​​press release

“Increasing women’s participation in the labor market is an essential ingredient for ensuring economic growth. One of the biggest brakes on the economic growth of the Belpaese is the lack of participation of women in work. Just think that they depend mainly on the income of women, within the couple, they are less than 10% of the total; this difference exposes women to a greater risk of having to leave their careers to take care of the family.

From a recent reconstruction, only 33% of US women are working in the early 1950s. Twenty years later they were 43% and in 2000 they were 60%. In Europe, the rate of female labor participation is 53% in France, 56% in Germany, 64% in Norway. Italy is stuck at 41%. Istat has recently published in its annual report data demonstrating the importance of women’s income in the family budget. Italy is the European country in which man’s income, within the family, is more significant. The reason for the difference is clear: women on average earn less than men both because they are directly discriminated against and because they tend to be placed in jobs and sectors that pay less. The arrival of a child worsens the income situation of women because they will be the ones who will leave their jobs to take care of their children. Women must be a fundamental factor in production: they represent half of the potential workforce on the planet. More people work means more production and therefore more GDP. According to research done by the European Institute for Gender Equality, a faster increase in female employment would increase the European GDP per capita by 3 percentage points more than the current scenario by 2050. As a result, women who remain work they will have to surround themselves with different people to provide for the care of the children and the house, creating more work. We believe it is essential to increase the funding of these services, for example by increasing the resources allocated by the PNRR for nursery schools and similar structures”. Thus, in a press release, the group Common initiativewith a renewed guise in acronym EUROMÒ — Free men for Italy and Europe conducted by the Cooperation and Proposals group led by Carmela Tiso and from spokesman Attilio Arbia.

2023-08-01 11:11:16
#Lavoro #Tiso #Arbia #Joint #Initiative #Women #essential #economic #growth #Italy


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