Players at US Open Complain of Strong Cannabis Smell on Court

Many tennis players have complained of a smell of cannabis during their matches at the US Open, which is currently being played in New York.

A strange smell. As tennis celebrated with the last Grand Slam title of the year at Flushing Meadows, strong cannabis vapours, especially on the side courts, were felt by several players.

“It smells strong there, doesn’t it? Wow… It’s nonsense!”, declared Gaël Monfils, winner of the Japanese Taro Daniel. He is not the only one. “At the four corners of the court you have a little different smells. It can be weed on one side, shit on the other… It’s not necessarily easy but you have to deal with it,” said Adrian Mannarino.

Other players have also complained, such as the Greek Maria Sakkari or Alexander Zverev. “Court No. 17 definitely smells like Snoop Dogg’s living room,” said the German, who beat Australian Aleksandar Vukic (6-4, 6-4, 6-4). Oh my God, it’s everywhere. The whole court smells like weed.”

Faced with complaints from many players, the American tennis federation (United States Tennis Association) investigated but without conclusive results. It could be that the smells come from Corona Park located near courts 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 19.

As a reminder, since 2021, it has been legal for an adult over the age of 21 to consume cannabis in the State of New York and, in its flagship city, the smell of grass invades the streets of Manhattan and Brooklyn.

2023-08-30 16:31:23
#Tennis #strange #smell #cannabis #noted #players #Open


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