Michael Jordan Harassed on Vacation by Fans Mimicking Goat Sounds

It’s not always easy to be a star, especially when you want to be incognito on vacation. This is however the case of Michael Jordan, who was harassed by a few fans in the middle of the street. If it starts with a good intention, some are annoyed.

A few weeks after selling his shares in the Hornets, Michael Jordan continues to lead the good life, currently in Italy. The Bulls legend was recently seen in the country, where he is quietly enjoying his summer before perhaps returning to the USA in several weeks. It must be said that His Airness can do a little what he wants now in life, without worrying about the rest.

Michael Jordan followed by fans on vacation

Nevertheless, such a status is not easy to manage every day either. As one can imagine, Jordan would like to have peace of mind while vacationing in Italy…and that’s not really the case. In a video shared on social media on Monday, we can see that Jordan was followed for a while by “fans”, mimicking the sound of a goat.

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A reference obviously to the fact that Jordan is considered by many to be the “GOAT”, but this video did not fail to cause controversy among supporters either. While it might be well-intentioned, following MJ for many minutes while making that noise might not be very pleasant. We imagine that Jordan was also not very happy.

It’s so boring lmaoooo

Why are they harassing him?

Weird behavior

Asking for an autograph or a quick photo when passing a caption on the street is more appropriate behavior. Following him for a while while making the sound of a goat is not. A more hectic vacation than expected for the legend of the Bulls.

2023-08-22 05:50:00
#Harassed #street #controversial #video #Michael #Jordan #vacation


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