Lantadilla Celebrates Medieval Festival Commemorating Battle of LLantada.

Lantadilla celebrated yesterday inside its parish church the medieval festival that is celebrated on the Sunday before the day of Our Lady of the Assumption (August 15), under the heading of Battle of LLantada, which commemorates the fight maintained one mile from the Terracampina town, where El Cid Campeador fought in the hosts of Sancho II of Castilla with the purpose of unifying the kingdoms of Castilla and León, against his brother Alfonso VI of León.

The day began with a mass in the hermitage in honor of the patron saint with a floral offering and a procession; a food and craft market with a large audience; Castilian dances with the Aires Palentinos group; a medieval parade with the attraction of Aguilarco; workshops; archery by the Aguilarco archery club and the historical re-enactment of Llantada, which culminated in a medieval dinner for neighborhood fraternization and vacationers, who purchased their respective tickets, and a folk concert by the musical group 22 Cuerdas.

With the previous attraction of an archery exhibition in the main square, the representation of the events that occurred in LLantada was carried out starting at 8:00 p.m. yesterday so that the fratricidal fight between two brothers, Sancho and Alfonso, on the origin of the kingdom of Castile and its integration into the “imperator” kingdom of León.

Llantada and the fight of the Cid Campeador – Photo: Juan Mellado Previously, the hosts of both kingdoms formed and filled the church with colour. In the battle of Llantada we must join the figure of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, El Cid, who, in his full youth, had an outstanding participation. Also within this representation was the Council of Llantada, held at that time where the problems that the Christian religion had in those years in post-Visogoda Hispania were put on the table, such as Simonism, Nicolaism, the transfer of the Mozarabic rite to Latin rite and name the “caput Iglesiae” of Castile.

«The day has been very participatory and already on Saturday, as a prelude to the big day with the representation of the battle, a route was carried out through the festive clubs in which different tapas are taken. In the church, as every year, he performs the staging of the Council and the battle of LLantada, the origin of our town, which with the union of residents and non-residents we have always tried not to forget and represent the historical wealth that our town has “. indicated Elisa Carretón, mayoress and president of the Batalla de Llantada Cultural Association.

According to history, this conflict caused the virtual disappearance of the population of Llantada and the nearby nucleus of Fuentepiñel, some of whose survivors would emigrate south of the Duero following Pedro Ansúrez, founder of Valladolid.

Llantada and the fight of the Cid Campeador – Photo: Juan Mellado

2023-08-14 03:00:00
#Llantada #fight #Cid #Campeador


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