“It’s complicated to concede a goal so late”, blows Farioli, underlining the “heart” of Nice

The Côte d’Azur coach delivers his analysis after the draw conceded against Lille this Friday, at the start of the season of the French Ligue 1 championship.

Francesco Farioli (Nice coach, author of a 1-1 draw against Lille ) : «There were different moments in this game. We had three situations to lead 2-0 after the goal from Gaëtan (Laborde). Then the opponent pushed. We defended very low, with great organization and a lot of heart. But it’s complicated to concede a goal so late. I liked the team’s work without the ball. We have reduced the distances with the opponent. We stayed well organized even if we defended very low. Besides, it was not voluntary. This is due to Lille’s ability to put pressure and create chances on the wings.

Changes so soon? Atal and Laborde were taken out due to the cards. We didn’t want to risk exclusion. Then, it was necessary to bring energy and physical freshness. Bulka’s choice? It’s obvious. He is excellent offensively and defensively. He is brave with and without the ball, especially in the aerial game.»


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