From Triumph to Tragedy: Giving in to Overconfidence in Tennis

From Triumph to Tragedy: Giving in to Overconfidence in Tennis

Once again tennis writes a Cinderella story. From a domestic point of view, unfortunately, a negative one. Everyone was too sure, including Sebastian Ofner himself. I experienced that too – in one direction and the other. Once in Kitzbühel I was 4-0 ahead of Daniel Koellerer in the first set, after which I lost twelve games in a row. Just a week later I was down 6-0, 4-0 against Augustin Calleri in Sopot and won. Or the same thing in Australia when I was down 6-0, 6-1, 4-1 and 15-40 against Cyril Saulnier and turned the game around.

2023-08-03 08:31:00
#Stefan #Koubek #defeat #accompany #Ofner #long #time


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