Former President Ricardo Martinelli estimates that “a triumph over evil is coming”

This August 7, 2023, the presidential candidate Ricardo Martinelli He showed optimism regarding the future of Panama.

According to the former president, the electoral process will give rise to a “new country full of opportunities”focused on improving everyone’s life without hatred or quarrels.

The leader of Realizing Goals urged patience and announced that a victory over what he considers “the evil”.

Through his Twitter account, the political leader expressed concern toclose to an attempt “abort” the electoral process and maintain a status quo marked by disorder, inequality and lack of opportunities in the country.

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“Today there are only 9 months left for the 2024 elections. A complete birth that the power of evil wants to abort and repeat with their test-tube babies to maintain disheveledness, inequality, lack of opportunities, absence of laws, due process, Equal justice “, wrote the former president.

He also expressed his fear that these current unfavorable conditions could attract more illegal immigration and increased drug trafficking, while improving relations with “enemies of evil”.

Martinelli said that what will emerge from this birth is a new country full of of opportunities without looking back and with the north fixed on improving the life of an entire country without hatred or quarrels.

“Let’s hold on a little longer, the RM, because the triumph over evil can already be smelled”he added.

Martinelli focused the high beams on the development of the country, on the issue of health, economy, education and tourism, among others.

The candidate for the presidential chair leads the voting intentions in the polls despite being subject of fierce political persecution.

2023-08-07 19:38:33
#President #Ricardo #Martinelli #estimates #triumph #evil #coming


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