Enrico Crespi Receives IPIA Award for Contribution to Italian Basketball


Yesterday evening, 25 August, Enrico Crespi, Honorary President of Repower Sanga, received a mention at the IPIA Award- Aldo Giordani 2023. The award, assigned at the historic venue “La Capannina di Franceschi” in forte dei Marmi by LIBA (Legends international basketball association) chaired by Carlo Caglieris, one of the symbols of Italian basketball in the 70s/80s and protagonist of the national team capable of winning the gold medal at the 1983 European Championships.

The award, conceived by the association created to convey the important values ​​of sport such as enthusiasm, motivation and commitment to young people through basketball, is reserved for entrepreneurs who have contributed, contribute significantly to the growth of Italian basketball by demonstrating resourcefulness, passion, creativity and dedication. In particular, Enrico Crespi was awarded as “Italian basketball entrepreneur with the longest career”.

The evening also saw historic sponsors of Italian basketball such as Guido Borghi (Ignis), Gianmario Gabetti, Roberto Snaidero, as well as Giorgio Armani, Marcello Cestaro and Massimo Zanetti who brought OLIMPIA ARMANI AX – MILAN, Famila Wuber Schio and Virtus Segafredo Bologna to be protagonists of the last men’s and women’s championship finals.


Enrico Crespi, with his usual enthusiasm, declared: “It is an honor to receive this recognition which incorporates two of my great passions, namely the city of Milan and basketball. As an entrepreneur, I have always considered the combination of sport and business to be essential and the sponsorship activities with GBC have always gone in this direction. 53 years of basketball are certainly not a few but the enthusiasm is always the same. Now my wishes go for Il Sanga with whom, just a few months ago, I was able to experience the ride towards the A1 series and which I will continue to support so that it can also achieve success in the top flight.”

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2023-08-26 08:09:26
#Enrico #Crespi #receives #LIBA #mention #Entrepreneur #Italian #Basketball #longest #career


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