Badminton Player Ahn Se-young: Paving Her Own Path to Success

Badminton Player Ahn Se-young: Paving Her Own Path to Success


Ahn Se-young, who became the first badminton player in the world in 27 years, is opening her own era.

What is the challenge of the shuttlecock queen, who is following the path of her role model in the past?

Reporter Seo Bong-guk reports.


Ahn Se-young met his idol and Atlanta Olympic gold medalist Bang Soo-hyeon for the first time at the World Championships in China four years ago.

[안세영 / 여자배드민턴대표팀(19년 인터뷰) : 올림픽 때 처음으로 금메달 따셨는데 그때 금 따고 심정 어떠셨는지?]

[방수현 / 애틀랜타 올림픽 금메달(19년 인터뷰) : 목표했던 것에 도달했던 환희, 그런 거 있었지만 나중에 따보고 나면 그 느낌 알 거야.]

Ahn Se-young, who started at 1,335th in her debut season, swept seven championships in 11 competitions this year, including the world tour.

As a Korean player, he ranked first in the rankings after 27 years, and in 1996, he stood shoulder to shoulder with Bang Soo-hyun.

[안세영 : 상위 랭커 선수들을 이길 때마다 많이 힘들기도 하고 또 ‘어떻게 하면 제가 이길 수 있을까’라는 생각도 많이 했는데 그렇게 고민하고 또 고민하다 보니까 이렇게 이겨서 제가 우승까지 하고 천적 관계도 지웠다 이렇게 말이 많이 나오니까.]

In the past, the pelvic dance,

Now, they are a 21-year-old new generation with splendid performances such as A-shaped ceremonies named after themselves.

It is evaluated that the concentration that does not miss an opportunity with the unique net defense has improved.

Ahead of big competitions such as the World Championships in Denmark this month and the Asian Games in September, strengthening offensive power remains as a task.

[안세영 : 제가 큰 대회들만 남았는데 그런 대회에서 제가 더 좋은 모습을 보여드리려면 아무래도 공격이 더 필요할 것 같아서.]

From a middle school student national team ‘shuttlecock prodigy’ to a confident queen!

Ahn Se-young, who has achieved her dream of world number one, is moving forward with another goal of conquering major tournaments.

This is YTN Seo Bong-guk.

Video Editing: Hwon Seulgi Oh

Graphics : Jaeyong Choi

YTN Seo Bong-guk ([email protected])

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2023-08-07 20:48:24
#스포츠Prodigy #Queen #Ahn #Seyoung #Ill #increase #attack #power


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