Andrey Rublev Falls to Mackenzie McDonald: A Roller Coaster Performance

Of course, playing against an American on hard court in North America is no fun. There are better openers. But for a player with the class of Andrey Rublev, that shouldn’t be a problem, especially in the first rounds – puff cake. The Russian clearly lost in two sets against Mackenzie McDonald in Toronto.


last edited: 09.08.2023, 20:22

What kind of Andrey Rublev do you get today? This is a question that fans, experts and probably himself have to ask themselves again and again. His performance has always fluctuated extremely. And especially lately.

At Rothenbaum in Hamburg he was swept off the field 6-2, 6-2 by Daniel Altmaier, who admittedly played unleashed. The week before Rublev won the title in Bastad, Sweden. He even finished off Casper Ruud 6-0 in the second set.

No chance against Mackenzie McDonald

At the men’s 1000 tournament in Toronto, however, Andrey Rublev from Hamburg could be seen again.

On his first appearance in Canada, he lost flat and disappointingly against Mackenzie McDonald with 4:6 and 3:6. You probably have to get used to the idea that the real Andrei Rublev is a first-class roller coaster player and that this is unlikely to change anytime soon.

Here is the individual tableau from Toronto.

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Rublev Andrey


08/09/2023, 7:15 p.m

last edited: 09.08.2023, 20:22

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Rublev Andrey
2023-08-09 17:15:00
#Roller #coaster #ride #continues #Rublev #Toronto


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